It’s always tempting to start a post like this with: something, something, pandemic – something, something disruption, something, something change and, indeed, this is year has been a rollercoaster ride. There have been seemingly endless phases of pandemic blues and the ache of not doing what I love most – which is to perform in front of an audience (I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about that, and there is news, but I’ll talk about that at a later date).

There have, of course, been the ups. I signed the lease for my very own studio. My speaker training business is going really well. I’ve been writing scripts for virtual events, which I find a joy, and the new performance HUSTLETOLOGY was made. I was in the paper too, which was nice.

Having the studio has meant that I can train people and experiment with different types of performances too. I no longer need a conference stage to stress test a creative idea because I can do that here. Instead, I can experiment with the execution while working on the concept, which is an entirely new process for me.
The work is changing. The product is changing.
I’ve been experimenting with a format that I’m now calling “Performative Lectures“. They’re part live, part pre-recorded, and they feel a little like a live YouTube video. I stumbled upon the format while I was making “INSPIRED“, a video that both broke me and saved me at the same time.

I’ve already written about the first one called “The Post Pandemic Keynote” (telling stories in hybrid media contexts). At the time, I didn’t have a name for the format, but now I do.
I’ve written and produced another one called “The Creativity Sweet Spot” (which examines ways to improve creativity). I’m currently working on a third, which has a working title of “You can come out now” (which explores how to be more confident on stage or camera).

I love making, producing and presenting these new little formats. They feel different to my regular stage work, and the subjects they cover are fun and hopefully helpful. The Q&As have been lively and fun and the feedback from those who have taken part in them has been super positive.

If you’d like to find out more about my performative lectures, how to book them, and what they cost, please block a 15-minute slot in my calendar using the widget below. I’d love to chat with you about them.